Common Information
Falco Software is engaged in distribution of free games and programs.
Requirements to game:
1. Game should be in English. Support different languages – is authorized, but English should be by default language.
2. Game shouldn't contain resources (the game drawing, sounds etc.) the rights, to which use, doesn't belong to you. Before using a resource, be convinced that it isn't stolen. Use of the resources extending on Royalty Free the licenses is supposed. More in detail about the given license read in the Internet.
3. Game should be decent quality, both in a gameplay, and in the schedule. Game should be logically finished and not be a demo version.
4. Game shouldn't contain obscene lexicon, frank pornographic materials, appeals to a genocide or violence over real people.
Operations procedure.
If you were interested by the given offer, you need to make the following:
1. To contact Falcoware manager and to give game for acquaintance. Game can be loaded on any free service on storage of files, for example, and give the reference.
Manager contacts:
E-Mail: manager[dog], support[dog]
2. In case of approval it is necessary to be registered on a site:
3. Next, you should prepare a description of the product in Russian as a txt
file. The description should be expanded and include a minimum of five
sentences as well as two 640x480 screenshots in jpg format, showing the most
exciting moments of the game. Understand that quality screenshots (their
contents) will directly affect the number of downloads of the game. Game
icon must be in gif format, 32x32. In total, the archive must contain:
3.1. Folder "Distr" with the file. The name of the executable file of the
game should be the same as the name of the game. For example, GameName.exe,
where "GameName" is the name of your game.
3.2. Two screenshots in jpg format with a resolution of 640x480 pixels:
GameNameSubmit.jpg, GameNameSubmit1.jpg.
3.3. Game icon gif format with a resolution of 32x32 pixels:
3.4. Small (155x115 pixels) screenshot resolution: GAMENAME_new.jpg.
Note: The name of the game in the name of the screenshot should be written
3.5. Game description in Russian and English, or if English is not
available, only Russian in the file description "Description.txt
." After the
description of the game, it will be followed by the line " Supplier:
YourLogin", where "YourLogin" is your username on the site, and we will add
your game.
For example:
The archive can be in any popular format such as rar, zip, 7z, etc.
A properly detailed archive game will be added to the site faster than a
game with errors. Archive can be downloaded on any free service for storing
files. After that please provide a link to the archive manager.
For speedy placement of games on torrents and more qualitative torrent
hands, you should prepare the following material:
* 5 screenshots in png or jpg format. Size of screenshots should be at least
1280x720 pixels. Submit screenshots at maximum resolution and the best
graphics settings that are supported by the game.
* Poster for display (image boxes disc) in 400x500 pixels, png or jpg
* Txt file containing:
1. Developer company name (or the name of the developer)
2 . Year
3 . Genre
4 . Language(s)
5 . The minimum and recommended system requirements (processor, video card,
memory, hard drive space, OS).
Material should be sent to the mailbox: advertising[dog] Please
include "Material torrent
The manager has accepted game. How soon it will appear on a site and when it will make for me profit?
The answer:
New game appears on a site falcoware within two working days. The profit will start to go since the same day, however the strongest gain it is necessary to wait within a week when game will be scattered on torrents.
How much I can earn with one game?
The answer:
It depends on a demand of game by players. On the average game types 20$ in one or two months. However, we have games, collecting monthly 200$ within several years.
What games of a genre swing is better?
The answer:
The genre has no value. Qualitative game of any genre, anyway will type more than poor-quality game of any special genre.
If I give you game, whether I have rights to give it then to other people?
The answer:
Yes. All rights remain to you.
Unique offer for Flash, Unity and HTML5 game developers.
Now your game can be incorporated into our Falco Game Player collection!
1. Icon of your game @ 115x115 JPG format.
2. Name of the game (in English).
3. Your username in the Falco system.
4. SWF file or directory with HTML5 index.html file.
5. For the whole archive, please contact the manager at manager[dog] or support[dog]
How much we pay?:
We pay $3.00 for 1000 impressions. All statistics will be provided in our system.