We offer our users to earn advertising products posted on this site Falco Software.
To earn money, you need to distribute for the torrent trackers games and software from our site. When somebody downloading a product from your link and then install it, you get 70% of the profit of the developer. More about profit of developers you can read on this page.
To get started, follow this steps: 1. Register into the partner system. 2. Read the rules of registration for dispensing torrent trackers here (Temporary on russian language). 3. Select the game to distribute and create for her a torrent file using the lesson of paragraph 2. Watch a video tutorial (Temporary on russian language). 4. Prepare material for publishing games on torrent trackers in accordance with the rules of paragraph 2. Watch a video tutorial (Temporary on russian language). 5. Load the game on any of the torrent trackers, listed below (check the pre-game that you intend to distribute, on a selected tracker using the search):